Instagram Q&A #1: Ask me your plant questions! If that’s the case, pull apart the sections and cut the roots if necessary. Here is a good shot of what the root ball looks like when you successfully get the whole thing out. Let the soil dry out between waterings. Whatever method of propagation you choose, having more Sansevierias is a very good thing. I wanted to wait until the end to pot the rest so that I could choose the right size pot for each. Plant a snake plant in a white pot, and you’ll have an instant decorative piece to add to your home that can also purify the air! I realized that I could easily get four or five separate snake plants from buying one medium pot. Root rot causes the roots to turn black and mushy as they are dying. They can grow indoors and outdoors, with little to no maintenance. Snake plants (or mother-in-law's tongue) are one of the most popular and hardy houseplants. As you can see, it has two pups attached. Get tips for snake plant care: Snake plant is one of those near-indestructible, hard-to-kill house plants that will survive in low light and with infrequent waterings. Snake plant's tall, linear look makes it a strong vertical accent, either alone, flanking an entryway, or grouped with other foliage plants. RED, WHITE, and BLUE Plants! There are well over 100 different cultivars and species to choose from, including common varieties such as mother-in-laws tongue and snake plants. I wanted to make sure that the soil wasn’t too wet, otherwise the plant won’t come out of the pot easily. So far, it seems to have been doing well, except a few of the leaves have split right down the middle, from the bottom to the top.. any ideas? Numerous types of perennial plants and bulbs are suitable candidates for division. Because they tolerate relocation well and are not fussy about light requirements, they are great plant to move about the house wherever you need a striking architectural element. To allow for good drainage and a healthy root system, choose a free-draining soil mix or even a soilless potting mixture. Plus, they offer a number of health benefits. Depending on the plant, there may be a natural place to divide it. I’m not a math genius, but I know I would definitely be saving money going this route. Since I ended up getting four little plants out of the large one, the ending price for each of these plants would have only been $4.24. You can see that this one was pretty root-bound. Snake Plants are one of my very favorite houseplants. For watering, I will simply remove the nursery pot, water in the sink, and place back in the basket when the pot stops dripping. It is taller, but it is smaller in diameter. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Now, there are different times and reasons to divide your plant. A few days back, I visited Goodwill and got a few different containers of a small-medium size. These were small 4″ pots that had one tall snake plant in it. Although snake plants … Now that you have all of the care tips, let’s talk about how to propagate snake plants. . Hi, I have a snake plant that I purchased and repotted a month or two ago. When I was trying to wiggle it loose, that large root actually snapped. Snake plant, viper's bowstring hemp, Saint George's sword . I gently packed down the dirt to support the plant and keep it from tipping over. I love sansevierias. You might notice a distinct fungal smell. I was upset at first, but the smaller roots that are still attached will likely take in the new pot just fine, so I didn’t panic. Ideally, you would wait for them to be about 4-6 inches tall. Recipe and How To. Hey! How to divide Sansevieria or Snake Plant. Jan 1, 2013 - Martha Stewart takes a group of snake plants that are breaking the pot containing them, and splits them up into multiple pots. Their spiky, patterned foliage is so interesting to me plus you can ignore them and they’re happy as can be. I grow quite a few of them, both indoors and out, here at my home in the Arizona desert. Place your sansevieria into the potting mixture and cover it with enough to hold it secure in the pot. Brown leaf edges indicate that your space is too cool. I kept separating and pulled off each miniature snake plant and put them aside. In order to do this, I just filled the bottom of the pot with a layer of soil, put the plant inside, and supported the plant with more soil. I decided the largest of the plant babies would go back into the original nursery pot and sit down inside of the basket. Split the Snake Plant. Happy 4th of July. So let’s start and split the snake plant… If the temperature gets extremely low or high, they will be scarred. I gently packed down the dirt to support the plant and keep it from tipping over. Snake plants can be sensitive to low temperatures. Please comment down below if you want to try this, have done this, or have any questions! Common Names. Watering is one of the most difficult skills to get just right when it comes to houseplant care. Propagate a snake plant by dividing it. Magical Harry Potter Plants and Their Muggle World Match Ups, Josh’s Frogs Review and Plant Order Un-boxing, Homemade Cactus/Succulent Soil! In snake plants, this rhizome will send off new shoots called pups. I did this by adding pebbles at the bottom to catch any excess water. You’ll notice that some are bound together where as others are easily split away from the others, creating its own little plant. Don’t be discouraged if your Snake Plant leaves occasionally fall over, lean, or droop over the side of the pot. If you count the double baby as adding an extra to make 5, they would have only cost $3.40. So once I decided which shoots would be separated, I got started! It was time for repotting a few of my Snake Plants so I want to share with you the planting mix I used and how I did it. I’m using a Bantel’s Sensation Sansevieria. Underneath the dirt, they are completely connected, so I didn’t want to break these apart. Shriveled leaves indicate that your snake plant isn’t getting enough water. Above, you can definitively see that there are four different plants in this pot. Snake plants can grow to an impressive height of well over 4 feet tall if you let them, and the plant will spread outwards as new leaves sprout up from the rhizome below the soil. You should try it! Learn how to split and repot your mother-in-law's tongue plant, and how to care for it to make your growing endeavors a success! In fact, too much water will kill a snake plant by causing root rot. How to Propagate Snake Plants From Cuttings: 4 Easy Ways. What I’m taking to the Junto Coffee/Messy Potter Plant Swap!! It is taller, but it is smaller in diameter. You want to inspect the shoots and where the roots are in the root ball. Repotting a Snake Plant. 2. Make sure you have good drainage as well. This plant’s toughness makes it a top choice for offices and homes alike. Over-Chlorinated Water Can Cause Brown Tips On Snake Plants . This concern becomes crucial during winter periods so better keep an eye to your plant. These last couple of shoots were actually fused together. This basket was only 99 cents, but I’ll still likely protect it, since it’s so cute. They had all different types…variegated, and some sansevieria cylindricas, which I find especially beautiful. I decided I’d get this one and split it so that I can sprinkle little snake plants all throughout the house. I went ahead and pulled the rest of the root ball apart as evenly as possible. I love this because it solves a problem that a lot of people have, which is that they want plants, but don’t have a home that has a lot of natural sunlight. One of the most popular snake plants is referred to as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue . You want to make sure that one shoot doesn’t end up with all of the roots. Snake plants usually have green banded leaves, while the variety called mother-in-law's tongue typically features a yellow border. At some point, you may have to tidy things up, and it’s important to know how to prune a snake plant correctly, to keep your plant in good health and looking well. I’d like to add the planters pictured here also only cost an average of $1.50 per pot. Luckily, the original snake plant nursery pot fits perfectly inside of the basket container. | Quote | Post #1519320 (2) Name: Tiffany purpleinopp Opp, AL ⚘ (Zone 8b) p They’re so easy to care for that there’s never too many! Good luck! I noticed the medium sized snake plants that were in about a six inch nursery pot. You want to do your best not to pull the leaves off of the roots that already are existing. What to Do? Facts About Mother-in-Law's Tongue. Up to 40 inches. Propagating Snake Plants By Rhizome. Messy Potter and Junto Coffee Plant Swap Event Page. First remove the entire plant from the pot. I didn’t have anything to plant inside of them, but I always try to pick containers up when they’re inexpensive! The medium pots were $16.99. Oh crud, I guess that’s why I’m “Messy Potter.”. Can I Split a Plant? Speedy Jenny baby GIVEAWAY Terms and Conditions! Particularly, snake plants hate very cold environments, less than 50 Fahrenheit (15°C). Hi Everyone! I decided to plant this one in the smallest of the pots that I have. To make this easier, you can support the plant with your dominant hand and squeeze around the bottom of the pot with your other hand. The plant was so heavy & the soil so light that I have to use a stake to get it to stay up straight! Wondering about the answer to the question, “Can I split a plant?” Since plant division involves splitting or dividing of the crown and root ball, its use should be limited to plants that spread from a central crown and have a clumping growth habit. Scientific Name. I always add some rocks to the bottom of my planters if there are no drainage holes. My steps to splitting a snake plant from my balcony garden So after a couple of hours of searching the Internet. -A snake plant-A sharp clean knife-A pot-Potting soil (I use a cactus mix for my snakes)-A hard surface . I was thinking of splitting the one plant and make it into two. My Snake Plants have experienced this a few times. Snake Plants are the ultimate “set it and forget it” houseplant making them appealing to both novice and experienced gardeners. This shoot on the right looks like it has one long root shooting off to the left with a bunch of little roots coming off of it. Follow me on Instagram @jennasbeautifullife How to prepare for a plant swap. If you see these, move your snake plant to a warmer area in your space. Light. There is actually five shoots, but in this shot, it looks like four. The plants are perfect gifts to share with the garden-challenged, as they thrive on neglect and rise above abuse. This is how I did it: First I decided what I wanted to plant the baby snake plants in. I went ahead and pulled the rest of the root ball apart as evenly as possible. If the soil is damp, your snake plant does not need watered. Hey all, this post is a follow-on to my how to care for your snake plant post! I would try cutting back watering your snake plant to once every two weeks, as they tend not to like too much moisture. An architectural species, it features stiff, upright leaves that range from one to eight feet tall, depending on the variety. • Solutions: After pulling up the plant, carefully prune away mushy, decaying roots. They had theirs braided, but were much too expensive; I think costing a whopping $21.99. This Snake Plant does not need to be repotted, although it is growing a new 'pup' it has plenty of room to grow. Sansevieria trifasciata. I’m moving to a new home soon and can’t wait to get many more varieties of Snake Plants. Sansevieria is a popular house plant also known as Snake Plant or the politically incorrect ‘Mother in Law’s Tongue’. This will help loosen up the dirt toward the bottom and push the plant up without pulling on the plant itself. The snake plant is flexible about lighting and humidity but it is fussy about the amount of water it gets. After that first one snapped off, I was able to split the rest more evenly. Snake Plant Propagation in Water (Sansevieria) You can keep this plant in your home to decorate your home. Give each one a small drink of water and then do not water your plants again until the soil is thoroughly dried out. Snake plants don’t require too much water, and their roots can actually be damaged if they’re allowed to soak in soil that is full of moisture. This is where the roots are starting to outgrow its current pot. This can unnecessarily stress your plant out. Snake plants (Sansevieria trifasciata), also called mother-in-law's tongue, have green upright leaves with white or cream variegation. I put a little bit of dirt in the bottom, put in the shoot, and then evenly distributed dirt around the plant. I needed to prep the two on the left so that water will not sit at the bottom and drown the roots. Dip the remaining plant into an anti-fungal solution formulated for houseplants. I put a little bit of dirt in the bottom, put in the shoot, and then evenly distributed dirt around the plant. If your plant is getting too big for your pot, dividing it is a great method to use to propagate. But with determination, basic tools, and the web I was well on my way to splitting my plant. My home does have a fair amount of windows and natural light, however I do have rooms that I forget to open the curtains all the way, or have a small window that doesn’t let in enough light for most plants. Today I was visiting a local nursery and saw a bunch of their sansevierias grouped all together beautifully. Ideally, snake plants tolerate a temperature ranging from 60 to 80 Fahrenheit (15- 27 °C). When you do this at home, you will have sprinkles of dirt all around you so make sure you’re somewhere a mess won’t matter. Basic Snake Plant Care. It was then time to plant them in each pot. These are the four containers that I decided on: The only one that actually has any drainage is the black one with painted designs. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. But I just didn’t want to repot the snake plant. This gives them a better shot at success. The two on the left have no drainage and the basket on the right is a true basket. This is a plant that can be easily split, thus obtaining new identical specimens that will be used to decorate other rooms in the home, to fill in those spaces that have been left empty in the garden, or to give to family and/or friends. Bright, indirect sunlight (some direct light is ok) Water. Just go easy on the liquid love – you don’t want to over water a Snake Plant. Yea when that idea ran through my mind I felt a small bead of sweat run down my forehead. If you want to protect the basket even more, you can place a small plastic tray at the bottom of the basket to keep it from rotting through. After you have split your snake plant, repot each separate plant into a fresh pot with succulent soil. A rhizome is a stem that grows underground and horizontally. Snake plants are as useful as they are visually appealing. Just be careful where you place it if you have pets – the plant is toxic if ingested. I was afraid that they wouldn’t do well on their own. With these two officially staying together, that means I got four separate sansevierias out of the original plant. Even … Learn how to propagate snake plants so you can share this amazing and versatile houseplant. Height. Now, as a general rule of thumb, Snake Plants prefer to be root bound, so if you don't need to do this I don't recommend that you repot your plant into a larger pot. This is my first time repotting a Snake plant and it was way easier then expected! These were slightly taller than the smaller pots but had so many shoots in it! Since Baby #4 was the two-shoot sansevieria, I decided to put it in the larger basket “pot.” All of them just look so cute and perfect in their new little pots, you’d never know that they were originally one larger plant! I stumbled upon a couple more sizes of variegated snake plants… the smaller ones costing $4.99. I was lucky that this one was nice and dry, so I was able to tip it over and shimmy out the root ball. Sansevieria is a slow growing plant but it can become overgrown, this is a great way to get more full grown plants quickly! I’ve written an article to teach you how to assess when your houseplants need water, so you get this right every time. They were in fantastic shape, but I really wanted something larger. Snake plants are one of the absolute best plants to propagate. You can place them pretty much anywhere in your home and they’re going to live. If your snake plant looks wilted and yellowed, gently pull the plant out and examine the roots. After gently packing each one down, they were finished! Architectural species, it has two pups attached free-draining soil mix or even a soilless potting.... Fall over, lean, or droop over the side of the most popular and hardy houseplants make,! “ set it and forget it ” houseplant making them appealing to both novice and experienced.. To break these apart for each plant by causing root rot of sweat run down my.. 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